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I am Improvising

I am Improvising

‘I’m Improvising’ is – nomen est omen – exactly what I do and what you hear: piano improvisations and sometimes maybe other keyboards.


Vierwöchentlich am Mittwoch, 20:30 - 21:30
Genre: Magazin - Musik


‘I’m Improvising’ is – nomen est omen – exactly what I do and what you hear: piano improvisations and sometimes maybe other keyboards. I will also share some thoughts on improvisation, e.g: What improvising means to me? How to find a concept / an approach for playing? What is going on ‘inside’ while playing … and also some more philosophical ones related more to life in general: ‘Do I understand what I am doing?’ (… and: is there a need for this) or ‘The goal is to have no goal’ … in this sense my improvised music is eventually good for meditation – for some ‘unexpected philosonic journeys’!



Sendungsverantwortlicher: Wolfram Maria Schröckenfuchs



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